		Mcpherson, Critchley, Martin, Dean, Rigby,
		Stein, Reserves	Cresswell, Dunn, Griffiths.

		v Manchester City Res. (h) Jan. 25th Davies
		Common, O'Donnell (W.) Kelly, White, T.
		McClure, Liggins if fit or Willkinson, Easton, Attwood,
		Weldon, Troup, Res. T. White.

Directors to	All if possible & in the event of
Blackburn	the match resulting in a Draw, the Players
		to return to Blackpool.

Removal Expenses It was decided to pay this amount
		viz. £6. The League having given sanction.

Reports re
Players		The Secretary gave a very poor
T. Bradshaw 	report re this Centre Half.

Eaton, Barnsley	Mr. W. J. Sawyer report that this Centre
		Forward's play was not Satisfactory.

Moloney, Northampton Messrs Coffey & Sharp reported that
		they were not impressed with this Centre
		Halfs display, but that Hammond,
		(Goalkeeper) was excellent.

Aberdeen Players  Mr. J. Bell report was read.

Wilson, Carlisle Mr. J. Elliott gave a good report re
		this Outside Right.

Williams	J. Fare gave a fair report re this
Brighton	Centre Half.

Williams, Costains Mr. J. McGill gave a poor report re
		this Centre Forward.

S. Shields Players Messrs Gibbon & Fare were not impressed
		with these players, but reported that
		Urmston (O. L.) Tranmere had played well.

Scottish F. A.	Letter read asking for the release of
		J. Dunn, if selected to play for Scotland
		v Ireland on Feb. 22nd. Agreed.