				[Meeting of Directors held at
				Exchange Station Hotel L'pool
				on Thursday 9 January 1930]

		Present	Mr. W. C. Cuff (chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr. W. J. Sawyer.

Dr.'s Report		Dr. W. T. Davies reported Virr & French unfit.
			The Chairman reported that all players
		except Cresswell were fit, but he was doubtful.

Team Selection		The following team was selected
		v Carlisle (a) F. A. Cup.
		Davies, Cresswell, J. O'Donnell, Robson, Griffiths,
		Hart, Critchley, Dunn, Dean, Rigby & Stein.
		Res, White, Williams & Martin.
			It was agreed that the remaining players
		at Norbreck accompany the team to Carlisle.

Easton			The Chairman reported that a representative
		of the Watford F. C. had interviewed him re this
		player, and stated they were not in a position
		to pay £750. Decided to leave the matter in the
		hands of our Chairman to see them in London
		this week end.

Reports re Players	Mr. J. Bell gave a good report of this
Smith(Clyde)	left back.

Scottish Players	Mr. J. Weirs report was read.

N. E. Players		" W. Laines   do.   do.	 do.

Finance		Cheques were signed for the following: -
		Collector of Customs & Excise	Enterts. Tax	£554.11.0
		Liverpool F. C.			20%		£409.3.6
		Football League			1%		£27.11.10
		L'pool City Police		Police Services	£39.9.0
		T. H. McIntosh			Wages & Exs.	£210.12.0
		J. Fare				    Do.		£117.8.0