Use of Ground		Application from Lancs. Catholic Charity Cup Commee.
		for use of Goodison Park on Xmas or Boxing morning
		was not entertained.

Derby County FC.	Application for donation to benefit fund re
		to S. Moore (Secy.) not entertained.

St. Lukes Church	Decided to ask the Vicar to meet Mr. H. Banks
		re proposed wall.

Billiard Room		The question of the abolition of the players
		Billiard room was deferred until nearer end of

221 Walton Lane		Secy. reported that Mr. Davies was prepared
		to sell this house for £650. Agreed that Mr. H.
		Banks interview the vendor with powers to offer
		him £600.

Jennings & Townsley	Secy. reported that club were prepared to part
(Leeds U.)	with both these players. He was instructed to
		enquire their correct ages.

Bruton (Burnley)	Secy. reported that the Burnley F.C. were asking
		offers for any of their players. Decided that the
		Chairman have powers to negotiate for his transfer.

Players to watch	Messrs J. Fare & J. Weir to watch this player
Feeney (Dundee)	with powers to enter into negotiations for his transfer
		if satisfied.
			Mr. J. Sharp to watch Bradford & Biddlestons
		(Walsall) with powers to secure their transfer to satisfied.
			Mr. W. J. Sawyer   to watch	Gee (Stockport County)
			"   T. Fleetwood	do	Brough (Whitehaven)
			"   J. Elliott		do	Wrighton (D'ton)
			"   J. McGill		do	Denthorne (Congleton)
			"   J. Bell		do	Scottish Players
			"   W. Laine		do	Ridsdale (Skelton)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next 6 p.m.

						Confirmed as Correct

							W. C. Cuff
