F.A. Cup Final It was decided to apply for 10 £1.1.0 & England v Scotland tickets for the former match & 50 10/6 tickets and 10 10/6 tickets for the International. J. W. Burgess It was agreed to cancel this player's registration for us in League & C. League. Donations Agreed to give £2.2.0 to Bootle Xmas Hot Pot Fund and £25 to St. Lukes Church Fund. 28 Goodison Avenue It was decided to give tenant of this house notice to quit on 1st Jany. next, and to re-let it to Rigby. Xmas Boxes It was agreed to give Xmas Boxes as in previous years. Jennings (Leeds U.) Decided to ask club if they were prepared to part with this player. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch Crawford (Preston) & Graham (Millwall) " J. Fare do Gee & Helliwell (Stockport) " J. Elliott do Lynch (Rochdale) " T. Fleetwood do Bradshaw & Martin (Bury) " J. Weir & J. Bell do Thomson & Feeney (Dundee) " W. Laine do Cottrill (Durham) Secy. do Bradford (Walsall) Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman Hill (N'cle A.) It was decided that Messrs A. Coffey & Secy. proceed to negotiate for this player's transfer a/c to £5000. W. C. Cuff