or J. White, Ritchie, Weldon, Attwood, Easton & Troup. Director to Sheffield Mr. H. Banks. Report re Thomson (Dundee) Messrs E. Green, A. Coffey & Secy. gave a poor report of this halfback. Cape (Carlisle) The Chairman gave a good report of this player & stated would let us know if they were likely to part. Harrison (Notts F.) Mr. J. Fare stated that he did not consider this half back up to 1st League standard. Gee (Stockport) Mr. J. McGill gave a good report of this C.H.B. McAllister (St. Johnstone) Mr. J. Weir gave a good report & Mr. J. Bell a poor one of this forward. Lynch (Rochdale) Mr. J. Elliott gave a good report of this goalkeeper. Bradshaw (Bury) Messrs J. Sharp & A. R. Wade reported that they did not consider this player sound. Secy. also stated that they were not prepared to transfer him at present. N'cle United F.C. Letter read asking if we were prepared to consider the transfer of Griffiths & Martin. Decided to reply in negative. H. Ritchie Secy. reported an enquiry from M'bro F.C. asking lowest figure we would accept for this player's transfer. Decided same be £2500. Journey to Grimsby Decided to travel by 2.5 p.m. train on the 6th inst. & to return on Sat. night. Secy. to make further enquiries re return journey. Stevenson (Motherwell) Letters read from these two clubs that Boston (W Brom) they were not prepared to part with these players. Hewitt (Evenwood) Decided to have this player examined by Dr. J. Coulthard Stewart of Newcastle. Goodfellow Fund Agreed to allow our players to take part in a Billiard match at the Victoria Hotel in aid of this fund.