pay him an accrued benefit of £150 Coal Trade Assocn. An application from this Assocn. for a donation from practice match receipts for their Benevolent Fund was not entertained. Daily Express Secy. reported that this paper had issued a handbill last Sat. containing the names of the Teams. Mr. Morton had complained of this & that they had interviewed their representative. An application from the paper for permission to have a board sent round the ground on match days & distribute bills was not entertained. Players Articles in The question of our players contributing articles Press to the papers was brought up and it was decided that in future all players be informed that any article they intend to publish in the Press must be submitted to the Secy. for perusal. Collection Permission was given for a collection to be made on behalf of the Natl. Institute for the Blind on March 15th. Use of Ground The Schools F.A. were granted the use of the A team ground on Decr. 7th for their Schools Cup Tie. Stevenson (Motherwell) Secy. was instructed to enquire if club would consider transferring this player. Boston (W'Brom) Same with regard to this player. Players to watch Messrs E. Green, A. Coffey & Secy. to watch Thomson (Dundee) with powers to negotiate for his transfer. The Chairman to watch Cape (Carlisle U.) with similar powers. J. Fare to watch Harrison (Notts Forest) J. McGill do Gee (Stockport) W. J. Wallace do Bradford & Biddlestone (Walsall) & Black (Plymouth Argyle) Johnson (M/c City) Secy. reported that there was still a chance of this player being transferred, and it was