		v Motherwell (h) EM
		Davies, Cresswell, Kennedy, Rooney, Forshaw,
		Lewis, Meston, Dunn, Dean, Ritchie & Stein

		v Blackpool Res. (h) GF
		Sagar, Cresswell, Kennedy, Rooney, Dixon, Lewis,
		Meston, Dunn, Dean, Ritchie & Stein. Res. - Attwood.

		v Wolves Res. (a) 30th inst.
		Sagar, Cresswell, Kennedy, Rooney, Dixon, Lewis,
		Meston, Webster, Attwood, Jones, Stein. Res. - Curr.

Director to S'land	Mr. W. C. Gibbins

do to Wolverhampton	"   W. J. Sawyer

do to Derby		"   H. Banks

Reports re Players	Mr. E. Green reported that whilst he considered
Bicknell (Chesterfield) this player was a good Kicker he was deficient
		in tackling, but thought he should be seen again.

Burgess (Stockport)	Mr. J. McGill gave a good report of this player.

Barkass (Bradford C.) 	"   J. Fare	do	do		do

Bryan (Planters)	"   J. Elliott gave a good report of this
		halfback also Hill of same club.

Scottish Players	Mr. J. Weir's report of these players was

N. E. Players		Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of
		Flannigan (N'cle.).
						member of Staff
J. Fortune		Secy. reported that this player was suffering
		from Eczema. Decided that he stay away from
		for a week or two and that he receive his wages
		less N. H. Insurance.

Continental Tour	Letter read from Verein Fur Rasenspiele
		F.C. offering £1000 for 4 matches in Mannheim,
		Stuttgart, Weisbaden & Frankfurt. Secy. was
		instructed to enquire cost of same & that question
		of acceptance be left in hands of Chairman
		& Secy.

Norwich Hospital	An application from Norwich City F.C. to