
		Sheffield match at Sheffield on 19th inst.

R. Curr			The player having applied for payment loss of time
		it was agreed to pay him for the match at

Oakes (Port Vale)	Secy. was instructed to write asking
		if Club were prepared to part with this player.

Irvine			Notts County F.C. having enquired if
		we were willing to transfer this player, it
		was decided to reply in the negative.

Player on Transfer	Kelly (Notts C.) but no action taken.

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Thursday
		22nd inst. at 7 p.m.

F. League v )		Decided that the Chairman & Secy.
Irish League)	attend this match at N'cle on 21st inst.

					Confirmed as Correct
						A. Coffey
						   Pro tem