36 Club Jubilee It was agreed that a History of the Club be compiled and it was decided that a sub Committee consulting of the Chairman, Mr. A. R. Wade & Secy. he empowered to make the necessary arrangements. Ground Implements Secy. reported that Messrs. Kent & Brydon had accepted our offer of £35 for the various implements mentioned in minute of last meeting. Fire Grates Letter read from the "Smokare Grate Co." offering to install a fire grate in office on "No Cure No pay" terms provided we paid for the taking out of the present one & fixing theirs. Decided to accept their offer. Donations Application from St. Helens Reference Socy. for a grant was not entertained. Furniture Removal It was decided to apply to the League for permission to pay J. Kelly a/c amounting to £20. Electric Lamps It was agreed that Secy. make arrangements with Messrs Downie & Davies for a demonstration of a lamp for outside training purposes during winter nights. Players to Watch Messrs A. R. Wade & W. C. Gibbins to watch Jacobson (Grimsby Town). Mr. J. Fare to watch French (our A team) " J. Weir to look out for a young back. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next 6th Sept at 6pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman