36 White, Wilkinson & Lewis. Res Rooney. v Skelmersdale U. (a) left to Staff Directors to M'bro. Messrs. W. C. Cuff & W. J. Sawyer. " Bolton " H. Banks & A. R. Wade. " Blackpool " E. Green & W. C. Gibbins. K. O. v Bolton Wdrs. It was decided that the Kick off in this match on 14th Sept. be 6pm. Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of this Jacobson (Grimsby) player. Coleman (Halifax) Mr. J. Elliott gave a good report of this players & suggested he be seen again. Watson (Oldham Ath.) Secy. reported that this player had not done too well against Blackpool. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir again reported favorably of Hunter (Hamilton Acas.) but as his age was 26 it was decided to take no further action. He also reported unfavorably of Dickson (Albion Rovers). He strongly recommended W. Black Who he stated was on Heart of Midlothian's transfer list at £750- Decided that Secy. make some further enquiry re this player. Eastman (W. Ham) Secy. reported that Mr. S. King had stated that this player was useful, but it was decided not to negotiate for his transfer. House Walton Lane The rent of this was fixed as follows:- for a player 22/6 per week for any other person s 20/- per week. Tenant paying rates. Sun Ray Apparatus Letters were read re this, but it was decided to leave the matter over at present. T. H. Lewis Secy. reported that this player was not prepared to accept terms offered. It was therefore decided to increase the offer to £3.10.0 per wk.