
223 Walton Lane		Secy. reported that the purchase of this
		house was to be completed this week. The
		total cost of the property was as below
							     £   s  d
			Price of House			    650. 0. 0
		Interest from 15/7/27 to 25/8/27 less Tax     2.12. 7
		Lawyers Fees & Stamp Duties &c.		     19.17. 0
		Fire Insce. to Michs. /27		        11. 6
							   £673. 1. 1

		Estimates for repairing & decorating were
		opened & that of Mr. W. Clarkson for £37.15.0
		was accepted, as also his offer to provide
		a mantel & grate for £4.5.0.

Reports re Players	Mr. J. Weir's reports were read in which
		he recommended Hunter (Hamilton Acas).

Pearson (Nelson)	Letters read re this player but no
		action taken.

Coleman (Halifax)	Letter read from Dr. Muir offering this
		player for £500. Decided to have him watched.

Clubs Jubilee		Letter read from Mr. E. A. Morton relative
		to a proposed "History of the Club". Decided that
		matter discussed at next meeting.

J. Macdonald		Dr. T. Martlew (Chairman) of new Brighton
		F. C. attended to negotiate for the transfer of
		this player. It was agreed to accept a fee
		of £100 & to apply to the League for Permission
		to pay this amount to the player as accrued
		share of benefit, the fee to be paid immediately
		we receive the League's sanction.

Shareholders Stand	Secy. reported that the "A" Stand tickets
		were nearly sold out and the Board agreed
		to have no more printed. It was also decided
		to extend the A Stand by taking division
		fence back a further 3 rows to include
		from A row to O row.