32 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Wednesday 10th August 1927] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Dr. J. C. Baxter. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 12th ult. were read & confirmed. Finance The Bank Balance was reported to be £21426.3.4 Dr. The following payments were authorized Kent & Brydon Ld. balce. of a/c re re Turfing £ 454.9.0 Dr. W. Campbell Mackie Peacock Drs. a/c £ 3.3.0 Tysons (Contractors) Ld. on a/c New Stand £2000.0.0 F. Morton & Co. Ld. do £1000.0.0 New Stand It was decided to ask Mr. Leitch to let us have copies of the plans of the stand before setting his a/c. Captains W. Cresswell was elected Capt. of 1st Team & D. Bain Capt. of Res. Team. Team Selections The following teams were selected for practice match on 13th inst. Blues - Taylor, Cresswell, O'Donnell, Kelly, Hart, Virr, Irvine, Forshaw, Dean, Weldon & Troup. Whites - Hardy, Raitt, Bain, Brown, Griffiths, Dickie, Critchley, Dominy, White, Houghton & Lewis. Picnic It was agreed that Secy. ask Cresswell to get the feeling of the players as to whether it was desired to have a Picnic.