30 House in Walton Chairman reported that the house no. Lane Leigh Tce. Walton was for Sale with vacant occupation - Decided that same be purchased up to £650. Bowen (Broadway U.) Secy. reported that as this player was over 25 years of age, he had not continued negotiations & his action was confirmed. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir's reports on Scottish players were read but no action taken. Fleetwood F.C. Letter read from this club asking for loan of £3500 on security of ground & to have first choice of any of their players at a fee of £250 each. It was decided not to entertain same. Jacobson (Grimsby) Letter read from club asking for offer for this player - Decided that we could not make one until we had seen him play. Re Turfing of Agreed to pay Messrs. Kent & Brydon the Ground sum of £500 on a/c & to confirm the action of the Ground Committee in having the west side of pitch taken up & re-laid at a cost of £40. Billiard Tables The question of having these attended to was left in the hands of the Chairman. Medical Report Dr. T. P. McMurray's report on the condition of Forshaw & Reid was read - It was reported that the latter was drawing Compensation from the Insurance Federation of 30/- per week. Accrued Benefits Secy. reported that the League Management Committee had sanctioned the following amounts viz. Kendall £50, Hamilton £34 Kennedy £50 & Peacock £80 & £80. Transfer of Players Secy. reported that Wrexham F.C. having paid the fee fixed for Woodhouse