29 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel L'pool on Thursday 9th June 1927] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. H. Banks. Minutes The minutes of meeting held on the 17th ult. & Annual General Meeting held on the 3rd inst. were read & confirmed. Chairman Mr. W. C. Cuff was unanimously re elected & Vice Chairman Chairman & Mr. E. Green Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. Both gentleman returned thanks. Sub Committees The Finance, Ground & Stores Committees were re-elected. Bank Balance This was reported to be £18033.5.0 Dr. L'pool Senior Cup Secy. reported that a meeting had been called re question of admitting Southport to this Competition - The matter was left in hands of representatives at the meeting. F.A. Meetings Secy. was instructed to attend the meetings of the L'pool County Combn. L'pool F.A. & Lancashire F.A. F.A. & F.L. Messrs A. R. wade & W. J. Sawyer gave Annual Meetings reports on the business at these meetings. Fixtures The fixtures as arranged by the Deputation to London were confirmed. F.A. Council It was decided to support the candidature of Mr. W. H. Cartwright of L'pool F.C. for Div III. Players Picnic It was decided that no picnic be held this year. Shareholders Smoker Agreed to have a Shareholders Smoking Concert but date to be deferred.