and on the proposition of Mr. P. Antoney
seconded by Mr. J. T. Domville, the 3 retiring
Directors Messrs W. C. Cuff, A. Coffey & J. Sharp
were unanimously re elected. The Chairman
duly thanked the Shareholders on his own
& his colleagues behalf.
Proxies Mr. W. R. Clayton suggested that it be
published in the Notice convening the Annual
Meeting, the time when proxies had to be
deposited & the Chairman agreed to do so.
Election of Auditors Mr. W. R. Williams proposed & Mr. A. McNicoll
seconded that Messrs T. Theodore Rogers Bowler
& Co. be re-elected Auditors at a fee of 60 Guineas
& this was unanimously carried.
Vote of Thanks Mr. A. N. Denaro having proposed & Mr. W. R.
Clayton seconded a hearty vote of thanks to the
Directors for their past services, this was
carried unanimously. The Chairman suitably
replied & then declared the meeting closed.
Confirmed as Correct.
W. C. Cuff