28 the most strenuous in the club's history - He attributed the lack of success in the first instance to the serious injuries sustained by Dean (whom everyone would be pleased at his return to normal health) and the goalkeepers, also the fact that we had been unable to secure new players until after the cup ties - He congratulated the players on the hard & successful struggle they had made, and looked with confidence to the future. On the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr. W. J. Sawyer, the Accounts, Balance Sheet & Report were unanimously adopted. Dividend Mr. E. Green proposed & Mr. A. R. Wade seconded that a dividend of 7½% less Income Tax be paid on the paid up Capital of the Coy. for the year ending 7th May 1927, and this was carried. Election of Directors It was decided that this be by Ballot and the following gentlemen were appointed Scrutineers Messrs Scorgie, R. Williams, R. Nelson, D. Cumella, F. J. Bundy & J. T. Domaville. The Chairman announced that the proxies handed in on behalf of Mr. R. J. Alexander & others were invalid on account of being handed in after the period allowed by Table A of the Act 1862. After Speeches on the management of the Club had been made by Messrs C. Wright, J. H. Petty, S. Hadley, W. R. Clayton, W. J. Mints, & F. J. Ivans, the 3 opposition candidates Messrs R. J. Alexander, W. R. Clayton & J. R. Wilson withdrew their names from the election.