21 Dickie (Poole) Letter read from Poole F. C. asking for £100 down & further £100 if player was satisfactory for remainder of this Season. Agreed to accept & to offer player £5 per week to 5th May 1928 & to pay his expenses to Liverpool. Bovril Ld. The sole rights to sell sweetmeats on the ground during Season 1927-8 were relet to this firm at £16. C. E. Glover Letter read from Southport F. C. re this player. Decided to inform them they could leave him off their list. Reports re Players Mr. J. Weir gave a good report of this Gillespie (E. Fife) player. Decided he see him again. Crooks (Durham C.) Mr. J. Fare gave good reports of these Pegg (Lincoln C.) players especially the former. Harrogate v Selby. T. Mr. J. Elliott reported very favorably on Sever (R. B.) & Whatmough (O. R.) of Harrogate & Thackray (I. R.) of Selby. Morecambe v Lancaster Secy. reported that he did not consider the players in this match good enough for us. Coleman (Halifax) Secy. gave a good report of this players display at Tranmere. Collection The Burns Club were given further permission to take a collection on 23rd inst. in view of the previous ones having been spoilt by bad weather. T. H. Lewis It was decided to offer this player an engagement at £1 per week to 20th Augt. 1927 with £1 extra when playing in C. League. Kelly The player having made application it was decided to apply to the League for permission to pay him £8 per week for next Season.