Lancashire F. A. The Secy.'s action in granting the use of
our rooms for their meetings on the 25th inst.
was approved. It was further decided to
invite the Council to Tea, arrangements for
same to be left in hands of Secy.
W. Jackson (decd.) Letter read from Mr. G. Pattison. Decided
to take no further action.
Annual Meetings It was decided to book rooms for the
of League & F. A. whole of the Directors & Secy. for these meetings
in London.
Linfield F. C. Letter read asking us to play match
in Belfast on payment of Expenses.
Decided to offer to play them on 7th May.
N'cle United } It was decided to leave this matter
re Referees } over until Annual Meeting of League.
Dickie (Poole) Letter read from Poole F. C. re this player.
Decided to offer them £100 for him with a
further £100 if he proves satisfactory.
Bradford F. C. Letter read asking us to play match
at Bradford on 4th May. Decided we could not
entertain same.
J. Kerr Secy. reported that the League had
agreed to our application to pay this player £276.5.0.
Accrington Stanley F. C. Permission granted for our player
Woodhouse to play in benefit match on 4th May.
St. Luke's Church Permission granted for use of practice
ground for their Empire Day festival in May 21st.
Match v Cardif City Decided to travel on the Wed. prior to
match & stay at Penarth.
Next Meeting On Tuesday next at Exchange Station
Hotel at 6 pm.
Confirmed as Correct
A. Coffey