15 English League The Chairman gave a report of this match v Scottish League at Leicester & stated that McPhaill had played very well. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir's report on Scottish players was read. W. Laines report Mr. W. Laine gave very good reports of Wilkinson (C. F.) & Stallard (L. B.) of Crook Town & Stephenson (O. R.) of Grangetown St. Marys. Use of Ground The use of Goodison Park was granted for following matches - L'pool Amateur Cup Final on Monday 2nd May Catholic Schools Cup Final on evening during first week in May but the application of the L'pool Orange Football League was refused. Transfer of Shares The following transfer was approved S. A. Hindle to A. J. Wilkinson 3 shares No. 2173-2175. Grand National The Secy. reported his arrangements for taking players & staff to Grand National & same were approved. A. Hulse Letter read from this man stating he was injured at our match on 12th inst. and asking for financial assistance. Decided we could not undertake any responsibility. Collection Application from The L'pool Sheltering Homes for permission to take a collection was not entertained. Raitt & Peacock Letter read from Swansea Town F.C. stating they were not prepared to pay prices asked. Decided to ask them if they were prepared to make us an offer. Hart's Benefit Sanction of the League was received for this.