14 Wilkinson Secy. reported that this player was on Hull City transfer list at £100, but that he had spoken to the club asking them to forego the amount. New Stand No reply having yet been received from Mr. A. Leitch, it was decided to pay Tysons Ld. £900 on a/c additional work & to ask Mr. Leitch to let us have the total a/c for extras at earliest moment. Use of Ground Applications for the use of the ground were granted as follows:- Secondary Schools Shield Final date left to Secy. L'pool Wed. Amateur Cup Final Wed. Mar. 30th. Melly Cup Final Date left to Secy. Orange Institution Match for Outing do. do. Burns Fund It was agreed to allow a collection to be made at our match v Sheffield United on 26th inst. in aid of this fund for a Col. Broadcasting It was agreed to grant the B.B.C. permission to broadcast our match v Sheff. U. the arrangements to be left in hands of Chairman. Donations Agreed to grant £3.0.0 to Arthur Deans Fund but not to subscribe to the O'Grady Fund. Player to watch J. Fare to watch Barry (Notts. County). Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next 22nd inst. at 6 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman Transfer List It was decided to place the following players on Transfer List viz. Kendall, Raitt Macdonald, Brown, Peacock, Reid, Moffat, Kennedy. W. C. Cuff Chairman