
		v Arsenal (a) 19th inst.
		Taylor, Cresswell, O'Donnell, Kelly, Hart,
		Virr, Critchley, Forshaw, Dean, Weldon, Troup.
		Res. Millington, Dominy, Irvine.

		v Burnley Res. (h)
		Davies, Raitt, Hamilton, Brown, Griffiths,
		Rooney, Moffat, Easton, Paterson, Wilkinson,
		& White.  Res. Kendrick.

		v Wrexham (a) Regans Benefit 23rd inst.
		Hardy, Raitt, Macdonald, Peacock, Griffiths,
		Reid, Millington, Easton, Wilkinson, Houghton,

Directors to London	Messrs A. Coffey, H. Banks & J. Sharp & W. J. Sawyer.

J. Kerr			The Chairman reported that Preston F.C.
		had agreed to our fee for this player and
		that he had been transferred. The fee to
		be paid by instalments of £1500 on 31st Decr. 1927
		& £1500 on 1st May 1928 & interest at rate of
		4%. Decided to apply to the League for
		permission to pay the player an accrued
		share of benefit on basis of £500.

Weldon			Letter read from Airdrieonians F.C.
		asking for Cheque for £2000 payable at once
		& post-dated cheque for £1750 payable 15th May.

Lanark v Aberdeen	J. Weir's report on this match
		was read.

S. Settle		Secy. was instructed to pay this man
		16/- balce. of Exs. re Simpson.

St. Francis Xaviers	Letter read asking us to play
College		a match v College XI again this season.
		Decided to do so & date to be left in
		hands of Secy.

K. O. v Sheffield U.	Decided to let K. O. in this match
		on 26th inst. remain at 3:15.