
Team Selections		The following teams were selected

		v Leeds United (h) 12th inst.
		Taylor, Cresswell, O'Donnell, Kelly, Hart, Virr,
		Critchley or Millington, Forshaw, Dean, Weldon & Troup
		Res. - Dominy.

		v Leeds United Res.
		Davies, Raitt, Kerr or Macdonald, Peacock,
		Griffiths, Rooney, Millington or Moffat, Woodhouse,
		Paterson, Wilkinson & Kendrick. Res. - White.

Director to Leeds	Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

Kerr			A deputation from the Preston F.C. attended
		the meeting and enquired if we were prepared
		to transfer this player. It was decided
		to offer him at £3000 & terms of payment
		were left in hands of the Chairman.

Raitt			Notts. County F.C. having suggested
		an exchange of this player for Davis-
		it was decided not to agree to this, but to
		offer an exchange for Barry (O.L.) or accept
		a fee of £1500.

N. Wales League		J. Elliott reported that he did not
v Chesters County League consider any of the players in this match
		up to standard for us.

Junior International	Mr. J. Weir reported very favorably
Scotland v Ireland of Hewitt (C.F.) & Irvine (L.H.) of the Irish

Jones (Wallasey)	Mr. W. Green's report of this player was

Winsford Hospital	It was agreed to send a team to
		play Winsford United for the benefit of
		this institution & it was left in the hands
		of the Secy. to arrange a suitable date.

Community		The Daily Courier were granted permission
Singing		to hold this on our ground on Sat next.