148 League match v Secy. reported that our match was W. Ham. postponed & it was decided to offer to play on Mar 6th. Shelbourne F.C. An application from this club for a friendly match on our ground on 23rd prox. was not entertained. Jubilee History Secy. produced assignment of copyright in this match which was approved. Business Houses This Association were granted use of Assocn. ground for match v Birmingham Works League on Easter Tuesday. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch Taylor (Dundee United) " W. C. Gibbins do Wrexham v Stockport " J. Fare do Batty (Barnsley) " J. Elliott do Llandridod Wells Players Secy. to arrange for rest of staff to watch other players. Sagar (Thorne) It was agreed to give this goalkeeper a trial in next home C. L. match. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. Cuff Chairman