146 Reports re Players Mr. E. Green gave very good reports Bocking & Fielding of the two former players & a fair (Stockport) report of the latter whom he suggested Mordue (H'pool) might be seen again. Barnett (Watford) The Chairman gave a fair report Sweetman (Q.P.R.) of the former and a poor report of the latter. Walsall Players Mr. A. Coffey & Secy. gave a poor report of Fairhurst (R.B.) but good reports of Attwood (C.F.) & Lockhead (L.H.B.). Syme (Dunfermline) Mr. J. Fare reported that he considered this player very promising. Owens (Garston Royal) Mr. J. Elliott reported that this player was very good in his class but appeared to be rather old. Fox (W. Riding) Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave a fairly (Speak)( " ) good report of these two players. Burnley F.C. Letter read from this club asking if we were prepared to part with Hart. Decided to reply in negative. C. L. Match v H'field It was decided to acceded to the request of Huddersfield Town F.C. to play this postponed match on Wed. 27th inst. M/C. United F.C. Secy. reported that Manager of this Club had asked if we would be prepared to part with Martin or Weldon. It was decided that if the Club desired to send a deputation, the question of parting with either would be considered. Blue Water Evening Permission was granted for Sandwich Man Ad to parade on ground during matches on 2nd & 9th prox. to advertise this concert. Jubilee Banquet The question of making preliminary arrangements for this was left in hands of the Chairman.