142 Smedley (N. Brighton) Messrs A. Coffey & Secy. reported that this player's display v Rhyl. was not impressive. Gilmour (Coleraine) Mr. T. S. Foster gave a very moderate report of this player. International Secy. reported that Dean had been Trial Match selected to play in this match at Sheffield on Monday next. Agreed that Secy. attend. Scotland v Ireland Letter read asking if Dunn would be available for this match. Decided to reply in the affirmative. Wavertree Athletic F.C. It was agreed to send a team to play match with this Club in April in aid of their funds. Swedish Tour Letter read from Stockholms Tidningen asking if we would play matches in Stockholm & Gothenburg in May. Secy. was instructed to wrote that if they could offer £300 per match for 4 matches, the matter might be considered. Kell (Birtley) It was agreed to get this player on month's trial. Birkenhead Leter read from Committee asking if Hospital Cup we would play match v Tranmere Rovers in aid of this Hospital's funds. Board regretted they were unable to accede to request. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Eden (D'ton) & Trotmen (Rochdale) " J. Fare do Fairhurst (Walsall) & Forsyth Gillingham " J. Elliott do Gibbons (Merthyr) " J. McGill do Brown (Wolves) " J. Weir do Syme (Dunfermline) Tea for Players Decided to invite the 17 players selected for Sat. next v H'field with Ritchie & White to be at Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 5:30 & Chairman to speak to them on their recent displays.