
Houston Cup Final	The L'pool League were granted permission
		to play this match at G. P. on Apl. 30th at 6:30.

L'pool Burns Club	Letter read asking for a donation
		not entertained.

Grand National		Secy. reported that he was unable to
		obtain buses except at £14.14.0 each. Decided
		to make arrangements for Charabancs.

W. Lancs. Cross County	Application for a donation to this
Assocn.		Associations funds was not entertained.

Irish Free State	An application from this Assocn. for
F.A.		permission for J. Kendrick to play in match v Italy on
		23rd Apl. was granted.

Daily Dispatch		An application for use of ground for
Shield		one of the ties in this competition was not

Players on Transfer	Several lists read but no action

Players to watch	Messrs The Chairman & J. Fare to watch
		Wilkinson (Blyth Spartans) with powers.
			Mr. W. Laine to watch  Cresswell (S'land)
			"   J. Elliott   do    Cheshire County League
					    v N. Wales Coast League.

Re Turfing Ground	The question of re-turfing the centre
		portion of the ground was brought forward
		& it was agreed that the Chairman take
		the matter in hand & report.

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		next at 6 p.m.

				Confirmed as Correct

					W. C. Cuff