138 Critchley, C. Webster, French, Easton, Lewis. Res. Jones. v High Park Left to Staff. Director of B'gham Mr. W. C. Cuff. Reports re Players Mr. J. McGill gave a good report O'Grady (Nantwich) of this half back. Moran & Preedy Me. J. Fare reported that he did (Nantwich) not consider these players of required standard for us. McAllister (Newmilns) Mr. J. Weir reported very favourably of this player & it was decided that Mr. E. Green watch him next Sat. with power to negotiate. Barkass (Spennymoor) Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of this player. Mountford (D'ton) He also stated that this players had signed on as pro for his club. Practice Ground The question of making use of this for a Motor park was left over until end of season. Letter read from Kent & Brydon re their a/c for supplying seeds & manure for this lead - Decided to accept their offer to take £5 in full settlement of £10.3.9. Macclesfield Infirmary Letter read asking if we could play match in April for funds of this Institution - Decided not to accede to request. Donation Decided to grant £1.1.0 to Railway Benevolent Fund. Welsh F. A. Letter read from their Association to our player Griffiths asking him if he could untertake to go on Tour to Canada next Summer - Secy. was instructed