137 Director to L'pool Mr. A. R. Wade. Report re Players Mr. J Weir gave a good report of McAllister of Newmilns. Scott, Pemblians Mr. J. McGill gave an excellent report of this Centre Forward. O'Brien Mr. J. Fare reported that the ground was in Prescot such a dangerous condition, he could not come to any decision with respect to this Back. O'Grady Mr. J. Elliott gave another excellent Nantwich report re this Half Back. Mountford Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of Barlington this player. 'A' Team Ground It was decided to renew the lease of the Stopgate Lane Ground. Training on Ground Mr. Sharp brought Forward the question of training on the playing pitch at Goodison Park and it was decided that in future training be allowed on the pitch. Letters of Thanks Letters read from Mrs. Kirkwood & Mifs Hulme Players to Mr. J. McGill to watch O'Grady, Nantwich Watch Mr. W. Laine " " Mountford, Darlington Mr. J. Elliott Scott, Pemblians Mr. J. Weir " " McAllister, Newmilns Mr. J. Fare " " Preedy & Moran, Wigan Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday Jan. 15th at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman