132 Directors with Mr. W. C. Gibbins to Burnley Teams Do & possibly Mr. E. Green to Blackpool Reports re Players Messrs A. R. Wade & Secy. gave a good report N. Brighton v Carlisle of Smedley (L.H. L.B.) but stated that none of the remainder had played very well. Crichton (E. Stirling) Mr. J. Weir gave a moderate report of this half back. Hodgkinson (Barnsley) Mr. J. McGill gave a very fair report of this back. O'Grady & Lester Mr. J. Fare gave a very good report (Nantwich) of the former but a poor report of the latter. Corbett & Garrett Mr. J. Elliott gave good reports of (Worcester City) these two players. Kell (Birtley) Mr. W. Laine gave another good report of this player but stated that his club were not inclined to let him come for months trial. Composition Rates Letter read from Town Clark that there was no possibility of being relieved from payment of rates in full. Revd. J. O'Sullivan A complaint having been received re preacher in Bullens Rd. Secy. was instructed to put matter in hands of Police. League Minutes The minutes of last meeting were gone through. Special Training It was decided to take the first team player away on Jany. 2nd to Bournemouth until Jany. 5th & after match at Portsmouth to go to Brighton until morning of 12th. Donations The following donations were granted £2.2.0 each to Bootle poor Kiddies Xmas Treat & Annual Xmas Treat to Poor Children (H. Walker) but an application from Everton Homing society for a prize was not entertained