131 upon that the amount be paid and the Secy. was reprimanded for not having paid the amount on the date. W. Laine It was decided to offer this man an engagement on the Staff at £1.10.0 per week 1 week's notice on either side to be given to terminate the engagement. Walker Park F.C. Letter read form this club, thanking the Board for the donation of £25, and asking for further consideration in the event of Dixon being re-engaged at end of Season. Xmas Billiard) It was decided to grant the sum Handicap) of £5.5.0 for prizes for Players Handicap. Duncan (Leicester) Secy. was instructed to make enquiries if club were prepared to part with this player. Players to Watch J. Fare to watch O'Grady & Lester (Nantwich) J. McGill do Hodgkinson (Barnsley) J. Weir do Crichton (E. Sterling) J. Elliott do Corbett (Worcester City). Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman