127 or Critchley, Easton, Williams Jones & Stein. Res. Curr. v Whiston left to Staff. Directors to Aston Villa - Messrs E. Green, W. J. Sawyer & J. Sharp. Reports re Players The deputation who visited Chorley Ball & Haywood (Chorley) reported that these two were very promising players, but should be seen again against better opposition. Ferguson (Mold) Mr. D. Kirkwood stated that owing to the weather conditions he was unable to report on this player. Rundell (Carnarvon) Mr. J. Fare gave a fair report of this half back. Moran (Wigan) Mr. J. McGill gave a good report of this back. McLean (Kirkintilloch) Mr. J. Weir gave a good report of this player, also Hurst (left back) & McBride (left Half) of Pollock. Dixon (Walker) Mr. W. Laine gave a fairly good report of this player & had obtained his signature to a C. L. form. Medals Decided to ask Mr. Bassett to submit samples of medals for Lancashire School boys. James (Preston) Letter read from Preston N. E. that Brown (H'field) they were not prepared to part with James. No reply received from H'field. Composition Rates Secy. reported that owing to these rates being paid after due date, the Corporation were claiming the full amount. Decided that Secy. interview the City Treasurer on the matter.