125 Reports re Players Mr. E. Green reported that owing to the Moran (Wigan) stormy day he was unable to say much about this player, but thought he should be seen again. Ball & Hagwood Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of these (Chorley) two players and it was decided that a deputation consisting of the Chairman Messrs A. Coffey, A. R. Wade & Secy watch them on Sat next with powers to negotiate for their transfer. Chesters (Northwich) Mr. J. McGill gave a moderate report of this centre forward. McLean (Kirkintilloch) Mr. J. Weir gave a good report of this player. Decided he follows him up. Dixon (Walker Park) Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of this player & stated he was willing to play a trial. Decided to ask him to play in C. L. match v Oldham Ath. on 1st Decr. Ferguson (Mold) Mr. D. Kirkwood reported that he could hardly judge this players capability owing to the bad weather. Naylor (Oldham Ath.) Secy. reported that there was a likelihood of club parting with this player. Decided that the Directors present watch him play against us in Lancs Cup tomorrow & if satisfied to enter negotiations for his transfer. Rating Valuation Letter read from Mr. T. Dixon (Rating Surveyor) re proposed new Assessment. Agreed that same to be sent to Mr. O. Young for his opinion. Lancs. Schools F. A. At the request of this Assocn. it was decided to provide a set of Medals to be presented to the winners of the County Competition last Season.