121 [Meeting of Directors held at 16 Harrington St. Liverpool on Friday 2nd Nov. 1928] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. J. Sharp. Team Selections The following teams were selected v Burnley (a) 3rd inst. Davies, Cresswell, Kennedy, Griffiths, Hart, Virr, Critchley, Dunn, Dean, Weldon & Troup. Res. Forshaw. v M/c U. Res.(h) Maher, Common, G. Platt, Easton, Bain, White, Meston, Jones, French, Martin, Stein. Res. Lewis. Directors to Burnley Messrs H. Banks & W. J. Sawyer. do. to Interleague Match do. & Secy. Lancs. Cup Secy. reported that our match v Oldham Ath. had resulted in a draw of 1 each. It was agreed to offer to replay at G. P. on Wed. 21st inst. Confirmed as Correct A. Coffey Chairman