120 Reports re Players Mr. E. Green reported that on this goal Baillie (W. Ham) Keepers display on Sat. last he could not recommend him. Paterson (Arsenal) Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of this player. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weirs report on Scottish players was read. Matthews (Mold) Mr. J. McGill gave another good report of this player. Pinchen (Annfield Mr. J. Elliott gave a good report of Plain) this player. Lancs. C. C. C. Banquet It was decided not to invite the members of the L. C. C. C. Committee to this function & the final arrangements were left in hands of the Chairman. Arrangements v It was decided to travel to Burnley Burnley on Sat. next by Motor Bus & to have meals at Blackburn. Burns Concert It was agreed to purchase tickets for this concert for any players who would like to attend. Wigan Boro. F. C. Secy. reported that the Chairman of this club had made an offer of £100 to be paid out of their next 3 home gates in Settlement of their debt, but it was decided to inform him that the amount would be accepted provided same was paid within 7 days. Removal Exs. Decided to apply to the League for permission to pay H. Ritchie's removal Exs. amounting to £25.10.0. Forshaw It was agreed to ask the Bury F. C. if they were now interested in this player.