117 Goalkeepers Secy. was instructed to get out a list of goalkeepers & the position to be discussed whilst in London. Transfer of Shares The following transfer was approved Exors. W. B. Dumbell to A. H. Lowe 3 Shares Nos. 2240, 559, 560. Police Letter read from J. V. Sharples suggesting utilising unemployed to act in place of Police at our matches. Secy. instructed to reply that their suggestion was impracticable. Licensing The Chairman informed the Board that he had been approached to attend Court in opposition to an application for extension of hours for local hotels on Saturdays. Decided that it was in the best interests of the Club to remain neutral in the matter. Players to watch Left in hands of Secy. to fix. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman