116 Lancashire C.C.C. Letter read that 27th inst. was unsuitable for proposed Lunch to their players. It having been suggested that a Dinner at a later date might be more suitable, it was decided to discuss same at next meeting. Secy. reported that Chairman & himself had received invitations to attend this Club's Banquet on 16th inst. He stated that Chairman was unable to go & it was agreed the Secy. attend to represent this Club. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Imrie (St. Johnstone) " J. Weir do Muir (3rd Lanark) " J. Elliott do Chorley Players " J. Fare do Moore (Belfast Celtic) if a letter from J. Ferguson was satisfactory " J. McGill to watch Bullock (Westhoughton) " W. Laine do Chesterfield Backs Next Meeting On Tuesday next 16th inst. at Exchange Hotel at 6 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman