114 Canadian Tour After careful consideration it was decided not to accept the offer to make a tour in Canada & U.S.A. next Summer. Transfer of Share The following transfers were approved Alice Taggart to John A. Taggart 5 shares 2198, 2056 & 1711-1713 do to Patrick Taggart 5 shares 487, 489 & 610-612. Leave of absence The Secy. was empowered to grant next weekend leave to players applying for same. Players to watch J. Fare to watch Mitcheson (S. Manchester) J. Elliott do Jones (Aldermere) J. McGill do G. K. Westhoughton Colly J. Weir do Imrie (St. Johnstone) Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Monday next 8th inst. at 4 p.m. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman