113 re our action in signing A. R. Clough on Amateur League forms. Secy. was instructed to reply that we had not acted discourteously in any sense. Collection The Collection for Footballers Fund for St. Dunstans was fixed for Oct'r 6th. Gaumont Films Application for permission to take a film of our match v L'pool was left in hands of Secy. who would interview the Police on the matter. Kirkham Secy. reported that price required for (Port Vale) this player was £3500. Decided to take no action at that figure. Donation Agreed to grant £5.5.0 to the Police Aided Clothing Fund. Players on Transfer Williams (O.R. Stoke) & Moss (H.B. Villa) no action taken. Canadian Tour Secy. was asked to enquire from Mr. Struth of the Rangers F.C. what his candid opinion was of their tour last Summer. Ground Staff It was decided to employ T. Fleetwood & H. Sadler as additional groundsmen at a wage of £2.15.0 per week. Players to Watch J. Weir to watch Imrie (St. Johnstons). J. McGill do Morris & Holmes (Prescot). W. Laine do Walker Centre back J. Elliott do Chesterfield Backs. Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman