112 Reports re Players Mr. W. Laines reports on full backs Full Backs was read. He also reported very favorably of Wallbanks (L.H.) of Annfield Plain. Imrie (St. Johnston) Mr. J. Weir reported very favorably Smith (E. Stirling) of these two players. Beeson & Bicknell Mr. J. Fare again gave a good report (Chesterfield) of these two backs. Port Vale v S'hampton He also reported that the only player he could recommend in this match was Keeping (L.B.) S'hampton. Keetley (Horwich) Mr. J. McGill reported that this player had not played on Sat. last. None of the other players were of required standard. Inter League Match Mr. E. Green gave a report of this match Ireland v F. L. and stated that none of the Irish players were impressive. He gave a good report of Bruton. Easton Enquiries having been received for this player from Bradford, Nelson & Barnsley, it was decided to fix a minimum fee of £1500. Bury F.C. having enquired re Forshaw, it was decided to offer them Easton at £2000. Directors Exs. in) Resolved unanimously that in lieu London of the practice heretofore, any Director accompanying the team to London or any Director visiting London on clubs business be granted an allowance of £2.2.0 a day for his personal expenses, outside his travelling & hotel Expenses. Arrangements v Decided to make headquarters the West Ham Hotel Victoria, travel to London on Friday evening & return at 12.30 pm. on the Sunday. Harrowby F.C. Letter read from this Club stating that we had acted discourteously to them