111 [Meeting of Ground Committee held at Goodison Park L'pool on Thursday 20th Septr. 1928] Present Messrs The Chairman H. Banks & Dr. C. Baxter. Shareholders The question of seating accommodation Stand was discussed and in view of the fact that a large number of tickets had been issued, it was decided to take 144 seats off the Members Stand and include same in the Shareholders Stand by removing the division fence. Complimentary It was decided to provide Tickets accommodation for holders of these tickets in Block K Goodison Rd. by fencing off 192 seats & taking out the division rail between the remainder & Block H. Asphalting It was decided to have the paths on the Goodison Rd. side of the ground asphalted. Bullens Rd. Stand It was also decided to have the cement work on the outside & the brick walls on the inside of this Stand covered with Duresco & provide 4" spiked rail on wooden barrier. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman