110 Rooney, Ritchie, C. R. Webster, French, Easton Stein Res. Jones. v Booth Celtic Left to Staff Director to H'field Mr. W. J. Sawyer, Mr. J. Sharp. Arrangements It was decided that the gates be v L'pool opened at 12.30 and that the gatemen's fees be 10/- each. Also that the L'pool club be granted 30 Tickets for Directors Box & 30 for Stand D. Irish League Secy. reported that Dean had Football League been selected to play in this match on 22nd inst. & that Cooke had been appointed Trainer. It was decided that Mr. E. Green represent the club at the match. Match v Motherwell Letter read from this club, accepting our offer of ½ net gate for Easter Monday. Report re Players Mr. E. Green gave a fairly good report Hacking (Oldham) of this player. Dowell (Kilbirnie) Mr. J. Weir reported that this player was not good enough at present, also that he was an intermediate player. Full Backs Mr. W. Laine gave a report on players in the N. E. district. Keetley (Horwich) Mr. J. McGill gave a very good report of this player. Beeson & Bicknell Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of (Chesterfield) these two backs. Canadian Tour Letter received re proposed tour in Canada & U.S.A. next Summer. Same was left in hands of Chairman to peruse & report. A. Jones (Wrexham) It was decided to accede to the Benefit request of the Wrexham club to send our C. L. team to play match at Wrexham on 3rd prox.