8 Redfern (York City) Letter read re this player but no action taken. Players for Transfer Decided that the following players be placed on transfer viz. Raitt, Peacock, Reid, Brown, Kennedy & Houghton. Oakes (Port Vale) The question of making further enquiries Keeping (S'hampton) re these players was left in the hands of the Chairman. E. Taylor The Chairman reported that this player had been engaged at £8 per week to end of present He to be Season with signing on bonus of £10. Transfer allowed to follow his occupation fee to be paid to Huddersfield Town £1650. Action confirmed. Community Permission was granted to the Daily Singing Courier for this to take place on Sat next. Peacock Decided that Dr. McMurray examine this players ankle. Blue Water Evening Permission granted for Sandwich Board to be carried round the ground to advertise this function. A team Ground Application for use of ground by the Grand Orange Lodge on Whit Monday was not granted owing to same being sublet. Entertainment Decided to entertain players to Tea at N W Hotel & afterwards to attend the Empire. Players to watch J. Elliott to watch Show (Wolves). Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman