103 Use of Ground An application from St. Edwards Orphanage for use of G. P. was not entertained. J. Roscoe It was decided to offer this player an engagement at £2 per week. Lancs Cup Agreed to accept Preston N. E. suggestion to play 2nd rd. of this Cup at Preston on Octr. 1st. Portsmouth F. C. Letter read from this club asking for an extension of time until end of Sept. to pay £1500 owing re Irvine's transfer Chairman stated that he had instructed Secy. to reply that we could not agree to this & ask for immediate payment which he had done. Decided to report matter to the League. Donations An application from the L'pool Allotments Assocn. for a donation was not entertained. Film Pictures Applications from the Gaumont Co. & British Screen Productions Ltd. for permission to take occasional pictures were granted. Grimsby Town F. C. An application from this club for us to play them home & home matches for Charities was not entertained. Arsenal F. C. Letter read from this club agreeing to our suggestion re complementary tickets. Sunlight Letter read from the Sunlight Health Treatment Centre asking if we would adopt their treatment was not entertained. League Cup Permission was granted for this Cup to be exhibited by Mr. J. Sharp & Messrs Manfield & Sons. Left for office This question was brought forward & it was decided to ask Messrs A. Leitch & Sons to give us some idea of what this would cost & a plan of same.