101 the Stand, all extra tickets required to be paid for. Whilst agreeing with the principle of trying to curtail the issue the Board decided to reccommend the number to be 12 for each Stand. Reports re Players Mr. J. Weir's reports on various Scottish players were read. Portsmouth F. C.} Letters read from these clubs stating Exeter City F. C.} that amounts due would be paid in the course of a few days. F. A. Charity Shield The Secy. action in arranging for this match Everton v Blackburn Rovers to be played at Manchester on date previously agreed was confirmed. Banquet Secy. reported 5 late acceptances. It was decided to send them invitations. A. French This player applied for permission to finish serving his time and the Board agreed to this providing he attended the ground twice a week for training & that his work would not prevent his fulfilling his engagements in matches for us. Banquet Secy. was instructed to meet manager to order White & Red Wines for this function also Whisky, Beer & Minerals for Smoking Concert together with Cigar & 20pkt. of Cigarettes for each male person. Also to arrange for a private room afterwards. Wigan Boro. F. C. Letter read re debt owing. Decided to ask them to make an immediate payment. Medical Officer The applications for this position were gone through and it was eventually decided to ask the following to be interviewed by the Board after the practice match