100 [Meeting of Directors held at 16 Harrington St. Liverpool on Tuesday 24th July 1928] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), A. Coffey, H. Banks, A. R. Wade, W. J. Sawyer & Dr. C. S. Baxter. Banquet Secy. reported that there were 468 acceptance & that the players & staff would add about another 42 making 510 in all. It was decided to invite no guests and that the sub Committee should get menus & prices from the Adelphi Hotel. Messrs Reece & Co. & State Cafe & select the most suitable place for the function and make all necessary arrangements. Medical officer The Question of the appointment of the Medical officer was deferred to a future meeting. In the meantime Dr. Baxter offer to attend any of the players requiring attention. Jubilee History The chairman reported that Mr. T. Keates had placed the matter of payment of his claim in the hands of his Solicitors, and that on behalf of the Club he had accepted service and had instructed Messrs North Kirk & Co. to act for us. Action confirmed. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman