99 [Meeting of Directors held at 16 Harrington St. L'pool on Friday 6th July 1928] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) E. Green, A. Coffey, W. J. Sawyer, H. Banks, W. C. Gibbins & A. R. Wade. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 26th ult. were read & confirmed. History of Club The Chairman read correspondence he had had with Mr. T. Keats who was asking for a payment of £200 for the compilation. It was decided to offer him 100 guineas for the work he had done. Shareholders The application to the F. A. for permission Season Tickets to alter these was read as also the reply from the F. A. which was not considered satisfactory. It was left in hands of the Chairman to put the case before the F. A. again. F. A. Charity Letter read from F. A. asking us to play Shield Blackburn Rovers for this Shield the match to be played in L'pool or M/C. It was agreed to do so & suggest Oct. 24th as date. League Outing The proposed itinerary for this outing were read & approved, the dates being Aug. 9th, 10th & 11th. It was left in Mr. A. Coffey's hands to endeavour to arrange for Hotel Accommodation & Motor Trip. Medical officer The consideration of the applications for this position was deferred. Band The applications were gone through & it was decided to accept the offer of the Aigburth Silver Prize Band for next Season at £3.10.0 per match.