98 Banquet The Chairman suggested that the State Cafe might be able to cater for this & it was left in his hands to make enquiries. L'pool Senior Cup Secy. was instructed to attend meeting re this Competition & to agree to similar arrangements as last Season, also to fix date for 1st Rd. Presents for It was agreed that the question of Players selecting presents be left in hands of a sub Committee when players return in August. Do for Directors Secy. was instructed to apply to the F. A. for permission for this and draft letter submitted was approved. Turnstiles Agreed to have these overhauled & registers put back to Zero. Medals Decided to have these engraved by Oldfield & the sample of the 2 extra medals as submitted by Vaughton Ld. B'gham be approved. Scottish Junior Mr. J. Weir's reports on various players were read & he was to be asked to follow up the following (Dawson G. K. Camelon), Smith (I. L. Clydebank) & Brown (R. H. Maryhill). Donation Decided to give £2.2.0 to Kirkdale F. C. Sports Fund. Medical officer It was decided to advertise for a M. O. for next Season. Removal Exs. An a/c was submitted for £31.9.6 for removal of Kennedy's furniture. Secy. was instructed to apply to the League for permission to pay same. Flags Mr. J. Sharp submitted samples & prices from Porter & Co. & it was decided to place the order in their hands for 2 new Flags.