97 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel L'pool on Tuesday 26th June 1928] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of Directors meetings held on the 30th May & 15th inst. & Annual General Meeting held on the 15th inst. were read & confirmed. Election of Officers Mr. W. C. Cuff was re-elected Chairman & Mr. E. Green Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year. Both gentlemen returned thanks for the honour. The Committees were re-elected with Dr. C. S. Baxter taking the place of his late father on the Ground Committee. Finance The Bank Balance was reported to be £12610.11.8 Dr. Cheques were signed for the following Sundry Players Wages & Insce. £177. 0.0 T. H. McIntosh do £134.10.0 do Salary £ 54. 3.4 Corporation of L'pool Rates & Water £981. 9.6 Celtic F. C. It was decided to offer this club the following dates for home & home matches viz. Sept. 10 at Glasgow. Easter Monday at G. Park. Connolly (Celtic) Secy. reported that this player (Connolly) Ritchie (Hibs) along with McLean & Doyle of Celtic were on offer but it was decided to await events. With regard to the latter it was agreed that Mr. J. Weir interview the Hibernians club on the matter of transfer. Extra ordinary } It was decided that the Company's General Meeting } Solicitors draw up the notice convening this meeting.