96 Election of} On the proposition of Mr. W. Beaty, Auditors } Seconded by Mr. W. Goodge, the Auditors (Messrs T. Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co.) were re-elected for the ensuing year at a Fee of Sixty Guineas. Banquet The Chairman stated that if the approval of the Shareholders was obtained, they intended holding a banquet to celebrate the Winning of the League Championship, and a further one to celebrate the Jubilee year of the Club, and this was unanimously approved. The Chairman stated that it was desirable that all Shareholders who intended to be present would advise the Company not later than 20th July. Presents It was unanimously resolved that (1) The action of the Directors in applying to the Management Committee of the League for permission to make presents to the value of £25 to each of the 13 players mainly concerned in the League Championship and for the like permission to present medals to Davies & Martin Who were not eligible to receive League Championship medals, be approved & confirmed. (2) That the members of the Directorate be authorised, subject to the approval of the League Management Committee or the Council of the F. A. as the case may be, to obtain for themselves and at the cost of the Company, suitable mementos to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the existence of the Club and the attainment of the Championship of the Football League, it being considered that the occasion was quite unique in the history of football & well worthy of perpetuation