95 [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held at the Central Hall Renshaw St. L'pool on Friday 15th June 1928] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, H. Banks, W. C. Gibbins, W. J. Sawyer, J. Sharp, A. R. Wade & Dr. C. S. Baxter (Directors) & 122 shareholders. The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting. Press It was agreed that the members of the Press be admitted. Accounts & On the motion of the Chairman it Balance Sheet was decided that the Accounts & Balance Sheet be taken as read. Auditor's Report The Secretary read the Auditor's Report. Directors Report The Chairman, in making his report, called attention to the fact that the gate receipts were the largest taken by any club in the League, and reflected the greatest credit on the sporting public of Liverpool & District. The Season altogether had been one of the best in the history of the Club, and we had succeeded in gaining the League Championship Divn. 1 for the third time in our Career. The Year's work had been very hard, as it had been proved without doubt that the teams comprising the 1st Division were more of equal merit than at any time during the existence of the League. He congratulated the players on their splendid team spirit and the manner in which they had played the game both on & off the field. We had also just concluded